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Fondazione Rocca dei Bentivoglio - Bazzano

The Foundation was created in 2007 by the then Municipality of Bazzano, the local Pro Loco and the Associazione Musicale l'Arte dei Suoni, to manage, coordinate, promote and enhance cultural services and activities based in the Rocca dei Bentivoglio.

On 1 January 2014, following the merger process of the five municipalities of Bazzano, Castello di Serravalle, Crespellano, Monteveglio and Savigno, the new MUNICIPALITY OF VALSAMOGGIA was born.

While maintaining its operational center within the Rocca, the activities of the Foundation have been expanded and spread throughout the entire territory of Valsamoggia. Currently, the Foundation manages, coordinates, promotes and enhances the cultural institutions of the new Municipality, namely:

the two Museums: the ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM "ARSENIO CRESPELLANI"  of Bazzano and the ECOMUSEO DELLA COLLINA E DEL VINO of Castello di Serravalle

all the activities of the MUSIC SCHOOL "GIUSEPPE FIORINI"

the municipal libraries of Castello di Serravalle, Crespellano, Monteveglio, Savigno and the media library of Bazzano

all the Municipal Archives.

It promotes initiatives to enhance and promote the territory of Valsamoggia in collaboration and in support of the 5 local PRO LOCO.

It has as its first objective the cultural dissemination that also realizes collaborating with other associations and making available to the territory its skills, its tools, its professionalism.

The annual program is full of events, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, shows, educational activities and concerts, but also training activities, and refresher courses in the cultural field.

It also promotes publishing and dissemination activities in the field of cultural heritage, music and entertainment.


No news available



via Contessa Matilde, 10 40053 - VALSAMOGGIA - loc. Bazzano




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