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"Diexodos" Cultural Library

In the historic center of the Holy City of Messolonghi, on the main pedestrian street, is one of the few surviving pre-revolutionary buildings. This is the ancestral home of the Commander of the Exit Guard, Athanasios Razi-Kotsikas. The house was built around 1760 - 1780 and in the building was born in 1798 the elected, on the Dapia of Franklin and at the age of 24, leader of the "local forces" General Athanasios Razi-Kotsikas.

The general was well-mannered, with exceptional eloquence and was distinguished for his great generosity. He disposed of all his property for the fight and lost his life on the night of Exodus.

After his death, his brother, deputy head of the Guard, Giannakis Razi - Kotsikas, stayed at home and then the descendants of the family. Around 1900 this historic house passed to third owners, while it was gradually transformed into a hotel, wine warehouse, restaurant, cafe, dairy and shop with roasted chick peas. By 1980, it was abandoned to its fate and was about to collapse.

In 1998, the lawyer from Messolonghi, Nikos Kordosis, noticing the indifference of the State towards the historic building, which had not even been declared as a monument, became aware and before the threat of demolition, he bought it, renovated it with absolute respect to all the preserved elements and handed it over to society with the creation of the "Diexodos".

Thus, he succeeded not only in preserving the historic building and expanding the acquaintance of the citizens with the history of the city but also in encouraging the public for greater contact with the arts and letters.

Πηγή Kειμένου: diexodos.com.gr

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: diexodos.com.gr 


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