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Archaeological site

Shipyard Oiniades

Greece is a vast field of discoveries. Discoveries that have no time limit. They say that the Greeks taught culture, while some believe that civilization started from this area of ​​the globe.

In Aitoloakarnania, near the estuary of the Achelous in the Ionian, there is an ancient boatyard with a very interesting historical origin and structure.

The ancient Oiniades, the second largest and most important city of Akarnania after Stratos, host one of the most important archaeological findings of the district.

In this part of this ancient city the high rock has been carved, so as to create a rectangular space that leaning, in which there are alcoves so that it is easy to lift and launch ships or even these alcoves to be used in some way as molds to be built inside these wooden hulls. This is an area of ​​41x47 meters, the carved side of which is completely carved vertically into the rock at a height of 11 meters. However, there are colonnades, which testify that the entire ship construction was covered, and archaeologists have even made a hypothetical plan of how it should be. The shipyard of Oiniades date back to the 4th century BC. while many of their architectural elements are related to the shipyard of the port of Zea in Piraeus.

The monument was in full operation until the end of the 3rd c. e.g. and the bulk of its ruins proves the importance that the city once had and consequently the port. Quite simply: in 350 BC. the warships of Oiniades reached 40 m. Length.

This part of our history has a great value and has played a big role in the evolution of the ships, the ships that we use today. 

Source Text:

Photo Source: visitmes.gr


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